Men's Living

We’re more than a boofy bloke's magazine. Every issue is jam packed with articles important to today’s gentlemen and will enlighten the mind, attune the body and awaken the soul. We’re all about being authentic and original, doing away with the regular cliches and focusing on stories essential to men living in the 21st century.

Men’s Living focuses on the four key areas of health, fitness, wellbeing, and mindset for the successful man who wants the best out of life:

•A fitness programme that he can manage and that works
•Dietary and nutrition advice that sets achievable goals and can be maintained
•Mentoring, inspiration and leadership that will compel him to be the best he can be
•Food for the soul that feeds a creative, fulfilled and happy life

We're much more than fitness regimes, diets and flat abs – though we agree they are part of the mix. We have a strong focus on the mentality in fitness, the attitude towards poor health, the courage to fight for the life you want and finding the peace within yourself that allows you to sleep better than babies do – and then wake up in the morning feeling super human.