
Skin&Ink magazine is among the longest running tattoo culture publications and is the standard by which all other tattoo magazines are judged.

Within the pages of Skin&Ink you’ll find features on the most talented and respected tattooists in the business and discover up and coming artists who just might be the perfect choice to ink your next piece.

S&I also takes you around the world, bringing insight into the rites, rituals and practices of tattoo artists and collectors in America and abroad.

Skin&Ink’s contributors are entrenched in the lifestyle and each brings their unique expertise to the magazine. Regular columns include Conversations with Bowery Stan, where the legendary artist takes us back to the days when he championed the fight to legalize the art form. Author and ink aficionado, Marisa Kakoulas opens the door to the past, present and future of the black and grey tattooing discipline with a column titled, Into The Black, while other regular spots include firsthand reports on tattoo conventions, legal information relevant to artists and shop owners as well as a convention listings calendar, book and product reviews and a tattoo flash contest.

You’ll find all of this and more in every issue of Skin&Ink.