Witches & Pagans

Witches & Pagans is the new 96-page pan-Pagan magazine lovechild of our titles newWitch and PanGaia. The zine (a complete relaunch and redesign of newWitch) will debut with the "Faerie" issue; combining the fire and passion of newWitch with the gravitas and depth of PanGaia. Look for interviews of Pagan artists, thinkers, writers, musicians and celebrities, plus practical magick (beginning, intermediary and advanced), AstroSpell, Pagan muses and mentors including R.J. Stewart, Isaac Bonewits, Galina Krasskova, Kenaz Filan, Judy Harrow, Good Witch/Bad Witch and much, much more.

Semi Annual
Retail Price
US ~ $6.95 / CDN ~ $6.95