What is magamall.com
Magamall.com is a comprehensive resource for newsstand magazines. We provide an Internet listing service to magazine publishers. The site contains listings for over 1,300 magazines that provide an editorial description of the title, newsstand and subscription prices, frequency, advertising contact, as well as a link to:
- the publisher’s more extensive web site and/or e-mail address
- the publisher’s twitter, facebook or You Tube
- purchase a digital copy of the publication (participating publishers only)
- go to the Itunes store to purchase branded publisher App ( where available)
How do I find a particular magazine
The web site contains listings for thousands of magazines. To find a particular title you can search for the title in many ways:
- from the home page type in the name of the title or category you are looking for in the Search area and the corresponding title matches will appear
- click on the Browse the Newsstand area and up will come the newsstand search offering to find titles by category, by Apps available or Social Media available
- click on the Newsstand from the home page which will offer the title by category by Apps available or Social Media available
- select multiple categories and the titles will appear corresponding to the categories chosen
How can I subscribe to a magazine
Once you have selected the magazine you want to subscribe to click on the Subscribe to Print Version button and this will transfer you directly to the publisher’s web site. The subscription process for individual publishers is unique to their web site.
Why can’t I find the magazine I am interested in
We provide an Internet listing service to publishers for a nominal annual fee . Not every publisher is currently participating. If you do not see the title you are interested in it is because the publisher of that particular magazine is not currently a member. We are constantly adding new titles to the web site, so keep checking back.
How can I order a back issue
You will have to contact the publisher directly regarding back issues. If the publisher of the magazine has e-mail capabilities, you will notice a “Publisher’s E-mail” across the top of the page for that magazine or “Publisher’s Web Site” if they have their own web site. If the publisher has an APP there is every chance that back issues are available for sale. If an APP is available it will show a hot button indicating it is Available in the APP store. Click on this button and it will take you directly to the Itunes store.
How can I get my magazine listed on magamall.com
Please contact Denise Boswell at
I ordered a subscription and haven’t received it yet
Magamall.com does not process subscriptions for the magazines listed. You will need to contact the publisher’s subscription department directly regarding existing subscriptions. You can do this by accessing the “Publisher’s E-mail” or “Publisher’s Web Site” feature on the page for that particular magazine. If the publisher does not have any of these features, you can e-mail us at Magamall.com and we may be able to provide you with a mailing address or phone number.
I would like information on newsstand distribution
Our sister company, Disticor Magazine Distribution Services, is an international distributor of newsstand publications. For information on Disticor and the services they provide, please visit their web site at